The Right To Suffer


May 18, 2013 by PBF


When you roll your eyes at your parents’ constant reminders of how well you have it, when all the latest toys and gadgets won’t stop you from complaining about how boring your life is, when you struggle with whether to feel guilty for the less fortunate or force the world to revolve around you: I am with you.

You spoiled Git, I love you. I feel for you, relate and understand you. Don’t listen to the guilt-trippers, let their words pass one ear and through the other, for they don’t get it… But neither do you.

Now allow me to bestow upon your pretty faces my googled piece of wisdom. You are a tiny speck, a worthless barely something of a barely something group of insignificant beings roaming an overrated rock floating in space with trillions of other floating rocks, all governed under a chaotic cosmic order, meaning you ain’t special. Like everything else in the world, we need to “get through this thing called life” (lol, Prince quote.), and life has ups and downs, and what you brat-hating cunts did was rob these poor rich kids of their right to feel down, to feel pain and to suffer, to have that bitter taste that makes the sweet taste so sweet.


Take an average “lucky” human’s daily life: what they used to spend hours, if not days or weeks on, is now all within their grasp. There’s no hunting or gathering, no searching for sheltering caves, or safe, nonpoisonous berries and no hiking, rumbling, tumbling or cutting through bushes to get to that river or lake. The struggle to get the basic necessities of life is gone, add to that the supposed bonus of luxury, our bodies literally aren’t ready for so much ease. The pain that we used to preoccupy our minds with has been replaced with a bottomless pit of excessive happiness, the rewards we gained from leaping over these obstacles have been won without even trying. It makes a lot of sense now that the “happiest” (or should I say: most well provided for) nations are also the highest rates of depression and suicide!


Now I turn back again towards you freaks of un-nature, you who have been despised and loathed for demanding a basic, natural right. I say to you: YOU’RE DOIN’ IT WRONG! Whining and moaning won’t get you anywhere, not because it’s wrong to whine or moan, but because you’re countering the juggernaut of leisure with a minuscule amount of pain, one must create challenges for him/herself in order to function properly in accordance with how we are supposed to function. So you may be thought of as the privileged one, when in reality the true privileged ones are those who have hardships that are the catalysts of one’s full potential…

4 thoughts on “The Right To Suffer

  1. Fadini says:

    Superb!! I remember you saying all of this verbally to moi! 🙂

  2. Anonymous says:

    I couldnt have said it any better… Prwach on brutha

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